Care Home Videos: One Day of Filming – 11 Different Uses

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Care Home Videos

Creating professional videos are such a powerful way to showcase your care home brand and its offering.

They will increase engagement metrics on your website and improve keyword rankings.

And they are just so flexible, too.

Whenever we talk new clients through the process, they are always amazed at just how many videos, and business value, can be created from the footage captured in just one day of filming.

Brand, sales and marketing videos

Here are a few options to think about how to use care home videos to help you boost brand awareness and bed occupancy rates.

1. Welcome video

One of the cornerstone videos you should consider creating should be one that provides a clear and comprehensive overview of what you offer.

An impactful welcome video that communicates your brand values, unique care expertise and the features and benefits of your care home is a really powerful sales and marketing tool.

They’re very useful for care seekers who are in the awareness stage and are experiencing your brand for the first time.

They are also helpful for care seekers who might have encountered your website before and are in the consideration phase of their decision making journey.

And they can be used on multiple platforms, including on your homepage, care home directory sites, embedded in 360 virtual tours and edited down for inclusion on landing pages and social media posts.

2. Video tours

While not as interactive as 360 virtual tours, care home videos as a tour can be the next best thing.

It’ll enable you to showcase the key features and benefits of your care home at its very best.

3. Landing page videos - specific features & benefits

Adding videos to key landing pages on your website are a proven way of increasing keyword rankings.

The main thing to remember is not to add exactly the same video to every landing page as that will not have a positive influence on keyword rankings.

4. Care Home Videos for directory and review sites

Optimising your presence on care home review and directory sites, such as, can help you increase the amount of referral traffic and sales leads you receive from them.

And, as long as you add them to the brief, they’re well within the scope of any video project – we’d suggest using a shortened version of your welcome video, for example.

5. Care Home Videos for Social Media

Video engages human beings better than any other type of content.

But, you won’t need reminding that any video you share via social media should be kept short and sweet, which means definitely under two minutes but usually, around the 30 second mark is optimal.

Although relatively easy for a video professional to create in post-production, you should always remember to add social media video requirements into any video production brief.

6. FAQ videos

Interesting one. FAQs have long been a favourite of SEO professionals.

Not only are they incredibly helpful for care seekers but also provide opportunities for optimisation using schema, which can improve your website’s visibility on Google’s result pages. So much so that there is a separate schema type for FAQ pages.

Why not take this a stage further and create a whole page with a unique URL for the FAQ and add a video augmenting the copy. 

It’s a really powerful combination.


7. Testimonial videos

Real, human testimonials are relatable, reassuring, provide social proof and help to build trust.

A positive, honest review from a current resident can help you build brand credibility and be highly influential in the decision making process of a care seeker.

And a video testimonial is more engaging, authentic and memorable than just reading copy on a webpage.

Staff recruitment, onboarding & training videos

Videos can also be very useful tools to help you recruit, retain and engage staff.

8. Recruitment videos

As we’ve seen, producing a video showcasing all the key features of your care home can be an extremely powerful sales and marketing tool.

Why not change the angle and produce a video for job seekers?

It’s an opportunity to highlight what conditions are like for employees, what the staff canteen is like and other more intangible benefits like team birthday celebrations and social events.

Care Home Videos for recruitment - David Brent

9. Employee onboarding videos

Starting a new job is always challenging and research suggests that new recruits can often feel overwhelmed by too much information, especially if it’s inconsistent and coming from a number of different sources.

Why not distil all the really important information into one video, for example all your health and safety procedures.

It’ll save you time and help your new recruit to integrate quicker.

10. Employee training videos

Why not augment on the job training with a suite of training videos that focus on the most important aspects of providing care in your care home.

New employees can then watch them, and rewind key parts, in their spare time to refresh their memory.

It’s a proven technique within the care industry to help give staff the techniques they’ll need to provide the level of care you want them to.

11. Company culture videos

While quite common in the US, company culture videos are becoming increasingly popular in the UK. If you’ve got an event coming up, why not plan the shoot to coincide with a staff social? It’ll be great fun to share with employees post-event and be useful for giving potential recruits a more informal look at what it’s like to work for you.

It really does pay to spend time planning the subject areas you want to cover in your shoot.
It’s also essential to make full use of the skills of an experienced post-production professional, who can edit the raw footage and create unique, stunning videos for each area of your business.

